What Does A Busy Signal Mean On A Cell Phone

A busy signal indicates that a phone is engaged or that the call is otherwise unable to be completed.
What does a busy signal mean on a cell phone. If you cant hear the ringing sound and directly listening to the busy tone then the person may blocked you or may forwarded your number to busy tone. If you get a busy signal or fast busy signal before your call is dropped its possible your number is blocked through their wireless carrier. A fast busy signal might mean that your phone cant connect to the network because youre too far from the nearest cell tower.
Im not sure this happens with cell to cell calls. There are technical difficulties on the phone network. The busy signal has become less common in the past few decades due to the prevalence of call waiting and voicemail.
Frustrating since this is my business phone as well. 1 Generally it means that the switching equipment is busy or all circuits are busy. People are saying it is ringing once and then a fast busy signal happens.
A busy signal or busy tone or engaged tone in telephony is an audible call-progress tone or visual signal to the calling party that indicates failure to complete the requested connection of that particular telephone call. In most cases a busy signal simply indicates that the person being called is on the phone or that the phone is off the hook. My Iphone 5 is not receiving phone calls.
If its a fast-busy itll beep about every half-second or so its reorder tone and usually means the number isnt in service. If you get a very quick busy notification before your call drops the chances are that you have been blocked. The folks calling have all been local that Im aware of.
Make sure that all of your phones are hung up properly. A fast busy signal sometimes called a reorder tone indicates that there is no way to reach the number dialed. If test calls a few days in a row have the same result consider it evidence youve been blocked.