Kansas Business License
Thank you for your interest in conducting business in the Capitol of Kansas.
Kansas business license. TrademarkService-Mark Search view information for a TrademarkService-Mark on file with the Secretary of State. Charitable Organizations view information on registered charities in Kansas. Kansas Cities on the Web.
If the business is required to pay corporate income sales or withholding taxes you will need to register with the Kansas Department of Revenue. All businesses located in or conducting work in Kansas City Kansas need to file an Occupation Tax application with our office. The filing is for Kansas City KS only.
Licenses Applications Permits Business Applications. Who should you contact with additional questions. Are you interested in the important steps that lead you to your success.
Do I need a business license in Kansas. Mayor Lucas delivers the 2021 State of the City address. If the business license request is approved a business license will be mailed to each of the business owners listed on the application.
Not every Kansas business needs a license. Kansas does not have a basic business license requirement. You can contact the Wichita Treasurer and Clerks Office located at City Hall 1st Floor 455 North Main Street Wichita Kansas 67202.
Common Business Licenses and Permits. Contact your local planning authority to ensure you follow all local business development laws rules regulations and guidelines. State of the City.