Texas Business Registration Search
A Dallas County Business License Search allows the public to look up public business licenses in Dallas County Texas.
Texas business registration search. If you decide to incorporate register with the Secretary of States Office SOS. We are committed to continuing to provide services to ensure business and public filings remain available 247 through our online business service SOSDirect or use the new SOSUpload. Step 1 Start Step 2 Choose Your Entity.
The Texas Register Viewer allows you to search for and then view submissions included in issues of the Texas Register in a variety of ways. Renew your driver license or car registration or driver records and purchase specialty plates. SOSDirect is available 247.
Rudder Building is closed to visitors and customers. Information on Testing Sites is now available. COVID-19 - As recommended COVID-19 precautions continue the James E.
Use the links below to jump straight to the correct search page for Texas or find the page for another state. The Secretary of State offers general information relating to the formation of certain Texas businesses registration of certain foreign businesses and other helpful business start-up information. Section 51051 of the Texas Business Commerce Code requires the principal seller of a business opportunity to register the business opportunity with the Office of the Secretary of State before selling or offering for sale a business opportunity.
The 2020 Texas Business Licenses Permits Guide is provided by the Business Permit Office. Information on Testing Sites is now available. Rudder Building is closed to visitors and customers.
There is a 100 statutorily authorized fee associated with each search which supports the ongoing operations and enhancements of SOSDirect. Use the File Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State. Having information regarding the type of business the number of employees and any hazardous materials on-site will allow public safety officials to better plan for how to respond during a possible.