Oregon Business Registry Lookup
Search by business name or registry number.
Oregon business registry lookup. The statement that a company is in good standing simply notifies the public that all paperwork or fees required to form or maintain registration has been filed with the Secretary of State and is current. Register your Oregon business. To search for a business entity Corporation LLC Limited Partnership in Oregon you must go to the Secretary of States Website.
If you do not know your Filing ID please search by the name of the business entity. Register for a payroll account. 503-373-2007 Report unlicensed contractors and other illegal construction activity Enforcement and investigations.
You will have the option to preform a lookup by Name Registry Number or by an Individual associated with the corporation. The Oregon Secretary of State works to maximize voter participation is a watchdog for public spending makes it easier to do business in Oregon and preserves and promotes Oregon history. American Indian fishing rights.
Find State Licensing Information Search all Oregon business licenses permits and registrations - so easy a Sasquatch can do it. Simply enter the criteria into the business name or address field and press Search. Request support or submit a suggestion we will get back to you via email or phone.
When looking up by name if it highly recommended that you be as descriptive as you can in order to narrow down the results. Your rights as an Oregon taxpayer. Business Information Center Learn about opening or closing a business in Oregon find forms locate resources review laws and rules.
Only searches for active business names will return results. Business Lookup will return to you a listing of candidates that match your search criteria. Start a new Oregon business.