Trademark Your Business
Trademarks provide value beyond your core business.
Trademark your business. As an accredited A rated business with the BBB this Trademark Registration service offers a comprehensive array of options for your business. The main purpose of a trademark is to prevent consumer confusion by ensuring two similar businesses do not operate under the same name or symbol. If you desire it.
For additional protection you can register a trademark with the US. However its not as extensive as the protection a trademark provides. See every company a registered company is a legal entity.
They help consumers identify products and represent a companys goodwill and reputation in the marketplace. File a trademark application and other documents online through TEAS. Formally registering a business as an LLC or corporation will offer some protection of the name.
Similarly use of a business name does not necessarily qualify as trademark use though other use of a business name as the source of goods or services might qualify it as both a business name and a trademark. This means that you can register a trademark for your business name logo slogan symbol design and anything else that contributes to the brand identity of your company and the products or services you offer. More tools links.
Conduct a Trademark Search. A trademark identifies the source of goods or services. You can register a trademark for your business name logo slogan design or any other entity that factors into the brand identity of your company.
Monitor and Protect a Trademark. Registering a trademark for a company name is pretty straightforward. A trademark is a word phrase symbol or design or a combination of any of these that identifies the source of a product or service and distinguishes it from competitors.