State Of Texas Business Name Search
You can find information on any corporation or business entity in Texas or another state by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered.
State of texas business name search. COVID-19 - As recommended COVID-19 precautions continue the James E. Form 201-General Information An entity that has filed an assumed business or professional name certificate under chapter 71 of the Texas Business Commerce Code TBCC which ceases to transact business or. Enter the name you would like to use in the Entity Name field.
If you decide to incorporate register with the Secretary of States Office SOS. As you can see from the above picture the results page will give you a preview of the. Box 13697 Austin Texas 78711-3697.
Search Available Names Searches for Available Names determines if a business name is available to be used in the Business Formations service to begin the process of forming and registering a new. Information on Testing Sites is now available. COVID-19 - As recommended COVID-19 precautions continue the James E.
Step 1 Start Step 2 Choose Your Entity. There is a 100 statutorily authorized fee associated with each search which supports the ongoing operations and enhancements of SOSDirect. Determine the appropriate legal structure of the business and file the business name with the state or county.
Online you can search for Texas businesses entities for free via the Texas Comptrollers website click here to visit simply enter your business name into the entity name field or you can access the official SOS database click here to visit. Use the File Number assigned by the Texas Secretary of State. A final determination cannot be made until the document is received and processed by the secretary of state.
This site is not affiliated with any government entity and there is no charge to use it. For more information about Exploring Texas including recreation and travel moving to Texas and doing business in Texas please visit FIND IT. In order to search for businesses you will be required to utilize the I am not a robot feature by clicking on the images as directed by our online portal.