Should You Trademark Your Business Name
Getting a trademark without the domain extension will help prevent other businesses from registering the same name by just adding a different extension.
Should you trademark your business name. And as with other business assets its wise to protect it. However perhaps the most valuable asset to cover of all is your company name. Patent and Trademark Office USPTO.
A trademark can be any name symbol design sound or any combination of these elements that describes your business and distinguishes it from others. A trademark is a legal symbol that protects the mark of your trade. However there may be an even stronger reason to apply early.
What Should You Trademark. Only businesses that have registered their trademark with the USPTO can use the registered trademark symbol and enjoy full immediate legal protection against infringement. Dont designate a specific design of your.
Protecting just your name may not sufficiently protect your logo from being used by someone else. If a business owner fails to do so they run the risk of. Your company or product logo is almost as important as the name.
Your businesss name is an important asset of your company. For this reason you should apply for both trademark registrations if you have a business name and a logo you wish to protect. Names that suggest a product without describing it can also be trademarked.
Consider Your Slogan or Motto. A companys business name is among one of its most powerful branding assets. Coined or made-up names like Xerox are the easiest to trademark and receive the strongest protection.