Report A Business To The Better Business Bureau
As a consumer or a business you can file a complaint against a bad business by contacting your local Better Business Bureau.
Report a business to the better business bureau. To check a business at the Better Business Bureau navigate to the BBBs homepage and type in the name of the business you want to look up. Telephone complaints to the Better Business Bureau only initiate the complaint process at most of the associations. Better Business Bureau helps consumers find businesses and charities they can trust.
Click on the company you want to file the complaint against from the list of results. Notify the Better Business Bureau BBB in your area about your problem. How to report a scam to the Better Business Bureau.
The BBBs purpose is to offer a way for individuals to file complaints about issues with a business and potentially find a resolution. You will be notified of the businesss response when we receive it or. The BBB sends your complaint to the business and asks for a response within 14 days.
The ChinaBetterBusinessBureau was founded to protect those persons or corporate entities wishing to do business in China. Find BBB Rated businesses and charities serving your area. BBB Start with Trust.
Via Better Business Bureaus website file a complaint. BBB serves as a place to resolve marketplace issues between businesses and their customers. Thats the message the Better Business Bureau is putting out to people looking to donate to those affected by recent winter weather.
File a complaint online through the BBB complaint portal. More than 37000 scams were reported to the Better Business Bureau BBB. The complaint portal is accessible to people who speak either English or Spanish.