Nys Business Entity Search
Corporation and other business entity filings document search requests certificates of status UCC filings and searches can be mailed to.
Nys business entity search. Filing Number and Date. Any business found that matches the search criteria will be returned regardless of status or availability of the name for a new business registration. The Corporation and Business Entity Database online search is intended for status inquiries of entities already on file with the Department of State.
Well check your proposed business name against the registry of businesses held by the New York Department of State. For a list of one type of institution for example all Check Cashers we supervise leave Name field blank and choose the business type from the drop-down menu and hit Search. Even though you can perform the New York business entity search only by the corporation or business entity name and the search is pretty simple to use there are some things you should know prior to starting the search.
Customers are cautioned to avoid interpreting database search information as an indication that a name is or is not available for use. Statements of Information for common interest developments must be submitted on paper. Should you wish to search for certain similar names or name variants please search our Other Debtor Search Options.
Search by business entity name and status type. EXTENDED CALL CENTER HOURS. All LLC Statements of Information and the required Statement of Information for most corporations can be submitted electronically using a credit card.
Search Registered Businesses Searches for Registered Businesses search the existing registered business database for any entity that matches the search criteria. Search for a business entity Corporation LLC Limited Partnership in New York by using the Secretary of States Website. New York Business Entity Search Instructions.
Department of State Division of Corporations State Records and Uniform Commercial Code 1 Commerce Plaza 99 Washington Avenue 6th Floor Albany NY 12231. Our helpful New York LLC and corporation search tool lets you lookup business names in NY to see if theyre available. This will help you get the best possible search results.