Ny Secretary Of State Business Entity Search
NV Business ID Number.
Ny secretary of state business entity search. All other services eg. The businesses registered with the State of Utah are either located in Utah or doing business in Utah as a. The statement that a company is in good standing simply notifies the public that all paperwork or fees required to form or maintain registration has been filed with the Secretary of State and is current.
Business Trust Collection Agency Corporation For Profit and Non Profit Professional Corporation Doing Business As - DBA Limited Liability Company - LLC Limited Liability Partnership - LLP Limited Partnerships - LP Limited Cooperative Associations - LCA. Select a Name Type. Enter the name of the business you are looking for in the text box corresponding to Entity Name.
Enter the Corporation or Business Entity Name being searched for. Begins With Contains or Partial 1. EXTENDED CALL CENTER HOURS.
Business Entity Name ID Please enter business entity name or number Type of Search Starting with All words Any words Corporate name availability Sounds like Exact match. Department of State Commonwealth or simply The State of. Corporation and other business entity filings document search requests certificates of status UCC filings and searches can be mailed to.
NH Department of State 107 North Main St. The Departments records may include the name and address of the chief executive officer and the principal business location of a business corporation provided that the business corporation has filed its Biennial Statement as required by Section 408 of the Business Corporation Law. Tab to Search the Database and press the enter key or click Search the Database.
This facility provides you easy access to public information maintained by the Secretary of States office in electronic format. Secretary of State SOS Website BusinessCorporate Services Division and Business Entity Searches Name of State Department 1st column This is the main governing body of a state usually called the Secretary of State but may have a different name ex. New York Secretary of State Business Entity Search.