Missouri Business Name Search
The Corporations Unit handles the creation and maintenance of all business entities doing business in Missouri.
Missouri business name search. If you look up the business name Computer Solutions youll find more than 30 listings of businesses operated as sole proprietorships throughout Missouri including listings for Computer Solutions Inc. Missouri Secretary of State Business Search You need to check whether theres already another Missouri LLC registered with your desired business name. To complete this step.
Fictitious Name Filings. For example if you are a sole proprietor your legal name should be listed as owner. The Corporations Unit of the Secretary of State is responsible for the creation and maintenance filings for all domestic and out-of-state business entities doing business in Missouri.
Enter the phrase youre interested in or a few keywords. If you search by business address and find no match try searching by name. Missouri Business Entity Corporation Search.
Step 3 Retrieve Information. I am an AI. The SOS also maintains records of all the business entities online.
Step 4 Steps to form your new Corporation. Secretary of State Corporation Business Entity Search You can find information on any corporation or business entity in Missouri or another state by performing a search on the Secretary of State website of the state or territory where that corporation is registered. Step 2 Choose Your Entity.
These business entities include for-profit and nonprofit corporations specialized business entities such as professional corporations close corporations. Search your Business Name Enter the name you would like to use in the Search for a Business Entity field. Jay Ashcroft is Missouris 40th Secretary of State elected in November 2016.