Legal Business Name Paypal
You have the option of either converting your existing PayPal account into a business account or setting up an entirely new account.
Legal business name paypal. Small businesses can use PayPal to accept payments from individuals and buyers who have not registered for a PayPal account. If you plan on conducting for-profit business through a sole proprietorship or general partnership under any name other than your own you are required by law to file a Business Certificate also called a Certificate of Assumed Name in the office of the County Clerk in the county your business is located. The update page gives you three options to change your name each with its own requirements.
Then you use that name for identification. Click My business info Click Update next to Business information Click Change name next to Business Contact Name Select Business Name Change business name and click Continue Enter your new business name and click Continue. You still have to tell PayPal your real name but customers will only see your business name.
However some states require LLCs and corporations to include LLC or Corporation in their legal name eg Rockwell Technology LLC. A persons first legal name generally is the name of the person that was given for the purpose of registration of the birth and which then appears on a birth certificate see birth name but may change subsequentlyMost jurisdictions require the use of a legal name for all legal and. Any business found that matches the search criteria will be returned regardless of status or availability of the name for a new business registration.
Click on Update at the right-hand side of the page. Unlike other business structures the business legal name for LLCs and corporations does not have to include any of the owners names to be the business name. It all has to do with dollar amount limits and reporting income to the IRS.
Depending on the name change you are making you may be required to upload documentation. At its simplest terms having a business is simply doing business as DBA a trade name. You can hide your real name by setting up a PayPal business account with your pen name as the name of your business.
Click on the Edit link close to the company logo. Doing so could save you some future headaches as it helps you to avoid using someone elses trademark as your business name. You must provide your legal name.