Check If Business Name Is Taken
In most cases if someone is already using a name you cannot legally use it.
Check if business name is taken. Here at the National Business Register we can also help you set up and register a business trademark company or domain name. In most states the website of the state business filing agency includes an online entity name check tool. Our highly-trained friendly support team is available to answer your questions over the phone or via email.
This will take you to ASIC Connect Search. Free company information from Companies House including registered office address filing history accounts annual return officers charges business activity. To verify the name you would like for your business is available type the proposed name into the search box.
States for LLC formation so you can easily see if your proposed business name is available. Check if your company name is available. Sorry unable to complete the action you requested.
If youre looking to start up your business our database can tell you which names have been taken and what kind of competition you have within your chosen industry or ensure that no other businesses take your companys name. Find out if the name is taken. Select the Search business names register tab.
You can check to see if a business name may be available to register by using our Check business name availability search. By law the name of your business cant be the same as or very similar to an existing corporate name or trade-mark. Select a good name.
You can find the right business name with creativity and market research. This instantly scans the internet for you and lets you know if the domain you want is taken as well as suggesting other TLDs and extensions you could use. If the name is available for use in California to protect the name for future use a foreign not California corporation that is 1 not registered with the California Secretary of State and 2 not transacting intrastate business in California can register the corporate name with the Secretary of State by filing a Registration of Corporate Name by Foreign Corporation PDF.